Part I 驚喜
昨晚首次收到爸爸的SMS, 很驚訝!經我在吃團年飯時教他用手機入中文兼send sms後, 對資訊科技一竅不通的他, 居然send sms給我!
簡單的一句「凱敏 明天回不回家」令我很是感觸......不禁又哭了。
Part II 失望
不知怎的, 我還是不想「回家」, 如以往一樣, 是想避開些什麼吧......
一貫地, 這些義務是逃不了......於是本來想躲在家避寒的我, 千里迢迢的由大
Part III 氣憤
這是個什麼著重創意的新時代? 香港政府口口聲聲說要重視學生的創意思維, 原來是要小學生學Flash? Creativity = 學軟件? how come! 真的「火都o黎埋」......
Flash無疑是一個知名而高階的電腦軟件, 但卻不是一個教小學生動畫的好教材。一個小學生連繪畫都未學好, 如何有效運用軟件呢? 即使學曉了, 時間都盡花在學軟件上, 何來有時間領會動畫的概念呢? (何況我細妹用了整個新年假去問我表弟借老翻......)Software-oriented的教學,忽視concept training, 令我感到香港的藝術真的快枯乾了.....小學生已經要每份project以鼠代手, 長大了, 怎能再回頭? 教育, 在我心中是「指引」和「培養自學能力」, 而非直接教導他們如何去做。香港教育, 真的在改進嗎?
真的想寫信投訴那個I.T.阿sir......只曉教人軟件, 不如去軟X體教啦! 專找家長麻煩! 枉我花時間周車勞頓, 為的是要應酬他的projects! Nonsense!
我也是讀大學時才接觸Flash......不過大學的課程也是極有問題的......想當年讀DGC Year1時, 也沒有正式的上堂學過, Brian Wong也只是影印了十多頁Flash tutorial裏的notes叫我們回家做便算......那就是唯一一次「學」Flash了。 之後Year2居然有科叫Introduction to Animation...... 反而要我們用手逐個frames畫出來......即使這科是少數我認為是有用科目之一, 但為何......大學的syllabus是倒敍式的呢? 算了吧, 這三年來總算學會了自力更生......
最後在家「磨」了兩個多小時後, 已得知, 細妹將要用Dreamweaver寫網頁, oh, 十級恐佈......不知她學期尾要不要學3d studio max呢??
Part IV 回到失望
差不多8時, 我知道若我再逗留便不知何時才能離開, 於是便溜到沙田和自己吃晚餐。電話中, 你說想開舖頭, 我是頭一次聽......但居然是茶餐廳......現在你心目中只有茶餐廳了嗎......畢竟, 我不是個愛吃公仔麵的女孩。
人的愛, 真的會因時間沖淡。
對自己失望的同時, 對人也沒信心。
愛在現在, 只求有人鍚/有人可以鍚, 還有什麼?
Oh..an interesting article...hehe...
I have echo of what u said for the education at university too. I learnt all the stuffs myself too! so do u know 3DS Max? u need to know it ga?
ha, 睇到你既文章連我都"慶"埋,首先係你阿姨(我肯定係佢叫你阿爸咁做),佢都唔知有無攪錯,佢個女既功課就梗係自己做番,點解要你幫佢做??你做到好靚又點??個細路幾大??要做flash??我都唔知點講,我剩係想約個老師,你阿姨出黎,然後同佢地講:"X@#**~!!"實在聽到"慶"。個細路個老母點諗野既呢,咁就叫教女??大個左咪日日响屋企問你攞錢使囉。阿佰母呀,不如下次我幫佢寫大字啦,我手字都ok嫁,hahaha~~唔好麻煩阿tiff啦。
I know nothing about 3D stuff, haha...that's my regret
I haven't chosen the 3D animation stream as I didn't want to face the consecutive overnight challenge~~ :P
What course did you study in the past?
Ha, calm down...you know, of course I would never do for her from zero!! If I do for her, i think I just need half an hour at most...shouldn't be 2 hours...I asked her to draw all elements and to type words by herself. Fortunately she was patient to listen to my instructions, otherwise I wouldn't bear to stay...
So finally the project could be said to be done by her~~~but I can't imagine how her classmates could do the project if their family members don't know Flash... That's why i said the I.T. Teacher was assigning homework to the parents but not his students! He is really stupid...
My aunt is too nervous. If I were her, I would ask my children to learn by themselves even they may make mistakes...you know, she just started to do the project on the day before the due day and expected someone may help her...what upset me is that it seems to be my obligation to help her in my father's eye: If I rejected, I was indifferent to help family members...
I know Photoshop, 3DS Max, Coreldraw, Flash......I have never taken any courses ar! Basically learn by own la....
Do u want to learn 3DS Max? I can give u tutorial...umum....just 200$/hr...haha..kidding...free of charge la...
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