Tuesday, April 05, 2005
- 病
由於失聲的原故, 在復活節假期後便立即看醫生。患的是喉嚨發炎, 到現在仍未痊愈......覆診時醫生懷疑地問我有否戒口......凍吃辣吃我也聽話沒沾了, 煎炸食品更是我所討厭的......為何還未好呢? 莫非是因為我吃太多雀粟的原故?......現在我對雀粟的瘋狂程度有8, 因為我有6款開了封的雀粟放在office呢......:p 好啦, 忍忍口, 吃少一點吧......
- 芝士波波
星期四, 自己胡亂地混合麵粉材料, 弄了芝士波波(link)出來。樣子不錯, 但質感始終不夠用麵包店用預拌粉做出來的好, 味道又淡了點。 下次再試過!
- 開夜
星期五, 本來安排好時間, 預計可以7時多便下班。但因為突然要幫阿Fletch跟一個visa job, 親愛的client又9時多才給我們一個玩笑, 結果零晨00:30才離開。SIGH! 10時多我們叫外賣, 邊吃邊看《大長今》......還是在家好看點呢......
離開時, 看到有工作人員在利園的外牆試燈, 是LV登陸利園的重頭戲。變幻的燈光閃閃生輝, 很是漂亮! 與我們一樣, 人家也是在OT, 我想, 他們的滿足感定必已填補了其辛勞了吧?
- 畫展
偕Betsy一起看Impressionism 畫展(link)的約會, 終於在上星期六圓滿結束了。傻妹又開OT, 於是在街上閒逛著等她, 約2個小時後她終於出現了! 但在藝術館外還要排隊等待進場, 半小時後才能置身於這個躋擁著人潮的展覽場。我們特地租了講解耳筒機, 好讓自己更了解名畫背後的故事。約40幅百多年前的名畫就端在眼前, 自己最喜歡的是Monet的Rue Montorgueil, Paris.(link)那簡單的筆觸, 就能把在風中躍動的紅白藍旗繪畫得淋漓盡致, 也為街上人來人往的街道配上喧嘩嘈雜的背景聲音。
是夜, 頭痛得十分劇烈, 辛苦得哭了起來, 真像個小女孩。一定是因為睡眠不足吧......睡一覺後, 又突然沒事了! 真奇怪! (Betsy: 我發現現在由數名中國畫家假利園舉行的畫展也十分不錯! 有些很令我讚嘆! 推介!)
- 探望媽媽
今天到銅鑼灣挑選了兩款花後, 便獨個兒上路探媽媽去。屈指一算, 原來已差不多8年了...... 現在眼裏已沒有淚水, 心中只有平安、還有與她相聚的希望。
- Winsor Palace
未試過去皇室Palace看戲, 今日終於有幸一遊。以前要$120的票價, 不知怎的跌到普通戲票的價格($60)。全個影院只有廿多個座位, 而每個座位均能獨立調教斜度, 果然既寬敞又舒適! 不過我還是喜歡IFC多點, 可能是因為多點人氣, 而人與人之間又可親密點吧? :D
開了2005年的Tiff's Food Lab, 請按右方的thumbnail!
你的Food Studio很精采...
Lokwong :)
Thanks guys :D
Even I don't write that daily, they are the very best and precious moments I wanna tell ma! :D
Yeah~~~Opening a bakery / cake shop is my ultimate dream indeed, I hope i have this chance and ability to achieve that :D
A-level is really a very tough experience for me, and for you! I think you really have undergo many hardship in this period of time. Be brave and tough! I believe that you can handle it in God's power with a peace of mind :D
Add oil!
Oh..do u cough? it always take very long time to recover ar! sleep more la!!
Windsor palace ar? I tried too..sometimes it is 60$ for some less popular film ar!
Yah....I have got a new job ar...salary is much higher....and i will go to Japan before start my new job in early May!
I hope you will enjoy your new job and adapt to the new environment ASAP :D
Great.....you could go to travel during the time-lag between the shifting of 2 jobs! Your new company is so good to let you have a short break before starting :D wowowo
Do I know you? If so, I would like to ask you to buy me souvenior from Japan, hahaha :D
I still can't guess who you are...so stupid i am.
thx for ur greeting and wishes!
Souvenir ar? No problem la!
For detail, pls drop a message to my new e-mail account: ddiffuse@gmail.com
I will reply u asap.
for the time-lap, oh just i arrange it myself as the new company want me to work immediately. But i insist to have one month notice. hehe...
haha, you always forget to drop your name here.
I am just kidding for buying me souvenir...:P The price index in Japan is very high now...remember to save money before shopping there :D
What's your occupation? I insisted to have one week time-lap before this job but finally i just had 2 days for rest, haha....no use for insisting...
Haha..yea i always forget to drop a name..hope u could recognise me here later if i forget to...*_*
For the souvenir, it is ok ar..i can buy for u... if u feel ur souvenir is too expensive, u may pay me back la if u really want it! Just drop me a line to my new e-mail: ddiffuse@gmail.com. tell me what u want to buy there!
Oh i guess u dont arrange it well before resignation. I have calculated in detail before i tell the firm when i am available to work. and I have 5 days annual leave too..so i can have one week gap la...hehe...
And when i know there is potential to employ me, i have asked the airline the possiblity of changing the date of air ticket already. Then after their confirmation, I discussed with my exisitng boss immediately and gave her the resignation letter and check when i can leave this office with the personnel. then I inform the airline immediately. all r done in one day la!
Next time when u change jobs...u have to plan better ar...
anyway, drop me a line to my e-mail la!
ai ya..forget again tim after typing long message! T_T
I'm Ray
謝謝你, 但我真的想不到有什麼想買呢......無慾無求呢...haha
nono, 上次我resign了3個月才找工呢。send信到見工到被取錄, 只是5天的事情。公司急著用人, 我又已放了個長假,所以願意下星期便返工lor!~~~ :p 怎知一上班便掉進每晚開夜車的深淵......
仲好講, 你咁鬼難約......又成日寧願躲在家hea都不join我們......所以沒機會lor!
wah...u have 3months holiday before? so good ar! why ar? at the time u feeling bad emotion? me too.I resigned before i had found the exsiting job too. it was more than a yr ago..and so lucky...same as u..i found this job within one week after sending letters.
and last time i had taken one month holiday..hehe..
this time, I send one letter to try the market rate but they employ me immediately within one week too..hehe..a bit lucky...and mean economy is better....
For the souvenir, since I have promised to buy u ar...if u have thought of one..just tell me later! and email me!
Enjoy ur weekend la! Your sickness and short-sighted condition is better now? hope u get well soon!
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