這兩天簡直如行屍走肉般, 身體在痛楚中像與意識分開了
Panadol克痛吃了很多, 卻一點效用也沒有
怎知在淋浴期間, 熱水在我預料以外突然用盡了!
身上仍留有肥皂泡的我, 唯有咬緊牙關, 捱著冷淋冷水浴......
so "charm" wor..having cold water bath in such cold weather!!
I know there is some medicine that can make u less painful in these two day ar..cos someone was so serious at it but after eating it..so so better ar....and the time for it is shorter too eg half day only ar..try to ask some other to see where to buy ar..i want to help u for it too..but i dont contact this girl anymore ar....
hope u feel good now la!
thanks, B
Yes...so crazy...very cold in HK recently...
In fact i don't wanna take western medicine...coz they are so vigorous...maybe it's good to see chinese doctor...to have a long-term treatment...ha...
oh! I just click in and see 2 comments but cant read the 2nd message...then just reload for twice and see it..do u just drop a message?
yea...seem that she consulted a chinese doctor too! but sorry i cant ask her to ask for it cos I CANNOT and MUST not contact her..hope the chinese doctor could help u la..cos it is painful as u have to regular experience once a month!
B. :)etsy
我就係近呢幾個月食多o左肉同油野就身體差了喇...... 我諗都係食草o岩我多d...... 不過我又真係成日食生冷野....係冬天先食番d熱野...沙律三文治雪糕係我至愛... 我宜家都差不多隔日都食雪糕(宜家去seven唔係叮奶而係買特價雪糕!) 凍到震, 但又好正~!
oh..i just ate "red bean" ice-cream in Seven yesterday...delicious..hehe
yeah! I always keep an eye on the soft ice-cream of 7-11 since it costs only $2.5!....hehe....i have also tried the red-bean soft ice-cream in 7-11 too! :D But the taste is not like red-bean...i think it would be better if it has some red beans mixed in the ice-cream. I love the Milo flavour a lot (last promotion)....:)
oh..u r too greedy..it costs only 2.5$...how u can get red bean....but the taste is ok la....I always ate it before too but have not eaten for long time la...two days ago i charged my Octopus card and saw it..then i buy la....
I remember a yr ago when had eaten 4-5 cone on my way walking from mangkok to shim sha shim..haha..i remember it may be mango favour.
what is Milo? sorry cos i did not pay attention to it!
????? 4-5 cones at a time on the way to home???? so crazy??? why did you eat so much?
oh, i am willing to give $3 if it has real red beans...hehe
Milo is 美祿!! Very delicious...(but i don't like the Milo Cone, too creamy for me)
Oh..u just post again ar? cos I saw one more message but need to reload once more to see it!
not on my way home ar...just going to meet my frds..so i walked from Mongkok to Tsim sha tsim as it had plenty of time...
hehe...sometimes i do such crazy things la...especially relating to eating...
Once a time, I ate a 2L ice-cream with my sister at a time..hehe....I always like to eat la but cant get fat la....
red bean ice-cream is 2.5$?? not 3$ ar!! is it?.oh Milo is ok ar..I ate it long time ago...yea it is a bit creamy ar....dotn know what is the next favour nei!! too full today....my frd just treat me a "Da bin Lo" hehe
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