早陣子還瀟洒地說不靠牛搵馬, 今天就要自打嘴巴了......每天都有記下日常開支的習慣, 一直都逃避去計算每月的支出總和。今天放工時勇敢地拿起計算機, 一口氣計算了3個月, 結果發現原來我每個月的人工都所剩無幾!
自問已經盡力地去慳錢...... 有時更懷疑自己是否一個女孩子:一直都不多買護膚品, 可以幾個月靠samples渡日, 面膜 (也是samples) 頂多兩個月才做一次, 家裏的那枝洗面膏也是趁超市大減價時以$19購入。衫褲鞋襪更不用說, 不多喜歡買衣服......尤其是鞋, 可以穿上街的只有4雙, 結果一雙可以穿幾年才丟, 不變形 / 破爛都沒動力去買, 而上次買的一雙也只是$59.9。
住屋支出呢, 己盡力地節儉了......不熱到出汗決不開冷氣, 試過幾晚因為太焗而醒了。衣服有時候盡量會用手洗......因為磅洗實在很肉痛, 以致現在甚至連長的牛仔褲都不想穿了。晚上上網時會關掉全屋的照明, 而只開書桌的慳電燈。但不知為何今個月電費多了百多元, 要$370呢!!! 暈~~~~~ 可能近來用焗爐頻密了罷......一想到這, 原本想今晚焗蛋糕的我就立即打消念頭了......
諷刺地, 沒家庭的我, 居然在5月花了千多元在「家庭」上...... 老豆的生日飯局、母親節飯局、生日禮物等.......最搞笑的是贊助細妹參加讀書計劃: 我贊助她$8讀一本書, 怎知她一個月居然讀了42本書!! -_-" 我的$340元就這樣飛走了! 我想應鼓勵近視數百度的她少看書才對......
另外發現很多支出都花在家居日常用品及食品上, 相信愛逛超市的我要忍一忍......-_-
沒錢買餸, 連煮食的心機也沒了 -_-
工作了3年還沒買保險, 我想若每月加上付保險費便更糟了! 但萬一一個三長兩短便什麼也沒有剩了......xox
收入少, 支出大........很煩......很沒mood......回家時很想哭......
於是只是到7-11用$2.5買軟雪糕吃, 再回家吃餅乾當晚飯便算了。
很不健康, 但飽肚! -_-
做的沒人欣賞 說的盡都是錯
oh..let be more optistic la..u will earn more later la...
I have to repay government loan too..these 2-3 yr have repaied about 150,000 la..and my salary was so low before ar...but now much much higher la and i will repay all the loan this september la......so can save much soon!
I did not use much money too..each money just about 3k for personal expenditure jar..after paying loan and given to my mum..cant save too much money ar.....
so u will be the same later la..be OPTISMISTIC ar..
oh u pay 8$ per book to ur sister or to the department of the scheme?..how come ur sister read so many books ar? so har d working she is ar..how old is she ar?
wuwu..all the days work till 11pm..tonight the PM was not here cos of sickness. My boss told me he is si suck and poor in organisation and said if he need people for design, he can find many design firm outside rather relying on a person. But what he needs is a well-planned person with good orgnaistion and good relationship with all consultant and contractors. He imply that he may fire this stupid PM ultimate and he ask me to replace all the roles later.........this PM was so suck as he used some stupid words to blame me without reason....actually he did something wrong and blamed by the boss...I never have such stupid supervisor before......MY frd ask me to replace him and kick him out later too.....
I just here for 1 month only.....still take time to see.. but i got some other interview from Big developer now...
so tired la..work till 11pm all the days....
hunting job now? when u will leave the firm ar?
good luck ar!
thx for encouraging!
you have repaid 150K??? not 42K per year mei?
My sister is a primary six pupil la~~~ always read books...haha
No job hunting now..no good portfolio...
btw, are you Pun?
oh yea...i have repaid so much money la..did not calculate accurately la....but i will put a lump sum for the rest of loan in other bank account which is not yet due la...so i dont need to bother it again and all my money could be saved after september. hehe i am a very well-planned person.
but didn't u say that u have quitted the job? when will u leave? or i misunderstand it.....
haha..u still remember me ar....thx...
actually i got an interview from a big firm recently. maybe i will work in shanghai later. but just 7k more than exisitng salary..so if they emply me..i may request at least 3k more..mean about 10k more...originally i just thought that i only need to stay temporarily and they will give me extra expenditure.
I apply this job cos of the stupid PM...I never have such supervisor before...now everyday he was balmed by my boss as "stupidity"..this guy near 40 yr old but so childish....and my boss beleive me so much now although just working there for 1 month.
u take care la..hope u get a new job which is more relax soon!
I still haven't resigned yet, coz recently i don't need to work OT, and I discover that I can't live without income.... so i am so lazy to leave now....it's better for me to leave after a new job is found~.
Oh, you will work in Shanghai?? so challenging! wah...10K more? wah....
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