好, 既然有客仔支持, 那就不妨繼續分享一下小妹的近況罷!
這幾個星期以來, 究竟我在做些甚麼呢? 其實主要是重覆兩年前的步驟:
辭工 --> 考IELTS -->報學校和 Scholarship --> Interview(s) --> 又找工
很煩人呢, 要找professors和employer寫reference letters; 要填很多forms; 要寫各式各樣的personal statement, study plan, project proposal; 要執portfolio; 要寄applications...如無意外之後便interview(s), phone interview(s)...etc
由開始到完結, 過程長逹10個月至1年, 非常麻煩!!! 兩年前即使我有offer, 但因為一個「錢」字而令我讀唔成書, 一年的心血就這樣白費了.....死唔眼閉, 今年要試多一次!
到目前為止, 只是考了IELTS, 報了一間學校 (還欠其很多東西), interview了一次, 找了人寫reference letters.....其他的就......-_-
身體 - 睡眠充足, 肥肥白白(因為凍嘛...), 皮膚敏感, 不明因由的周身瘀痕
精神 - 不能集中, 很大頭蝦 (常轉錯車, 剛剛又遺失了提款咭...)
情緒 - 時high時down / 緊張 / 納悶 / 悲憤 (特別想起被騙時)
經濟 - 沒收入, 靠私己吊命, 極度赤貧 (成間屋得一盒紙巾慳住用)
1. IELTS得o左!
剛剛打俾阿哥叫佢幫我拆信睇result。有7分, 終於唔駛re-take喇~~~~ Thanks God!!
2. Recommendation
12月8日, 是媽媽的生忌, 也是我5年前的失戀紀念日, 也是阿哥和Amanda的拍拖7週年紀念日。那天加多一樣, 是見University of Arts London代表的日子。其實知道那個International Academic Coordinator來HK都只係一星期前的事, 很多文件都未準備好, 又未寫project proposal......一切都很匆忙, in前一天我才決定選哪科, 原本還打算不去interview算了, 橫豎2月還有一次。但不想再給完美主義害死, 所以決定就算未準備好都起碼show下face!
一早便起來, 拿著很重的portfo和laptop乘地鐵到中環去。一路上叮囑自己記住不要在金鐘轉了車, 過了金鐘時又不斷提自己要記得下車......下了車後, 好了, 舒了一口氣...怎知發現自己一直向著香港站方向走! 好險! 結果剛好12:30pm到逹....但....等了差不多兩個鐘才輪到我! 肚子一直在打鼓......臨in前一刻我才決定show什麼portfo, 結果我帶了3大本A3的folders, 我只show了3版給她看。結果是出乎意外的好, Miss Bestwood居然說recommend我 (上年那個coordinator對我諸多為難,猛叫我轉科, 又要我返屋企做功課......) 果然希望越小, 失望越小, 驚喜都越小! 真的, 沒太大開心的感覺......可能因為還要.....做功課.......
接著便和阿哥去探媽咪。太陽, 極級猛烈; 媽媽, 青春依然!
3. 生日蛋糕 (圖)
昨天是阿旗的阿婆生日, 我晚飯前極速弄了個生日蛋糕給她。典型的忌廉鮮果生日蛋糕, 做法很簡單, 對我來說卻不易, 因為我沒太多抿和唧忌廉經驗, 所以不是很美觀呢~~ 不過阿婆阿公和阿B都很驚喜, 阿B人仔細細還吃了兩大件, 勁! 發覺原來自己有能力可以氹得人好開心的......
4. 玩webcam
剛剛和Betsy、阿Cat和老師玩webcam, 很開心:) 看見老師的大屋, 真的不好意思show我麻雀屋的樣子呢......:p 不過我還有3星期便要告別這裡了, 現在很頭痛如何執行李呢......(執了也沒地方放!)!Betsy加油喇~~
嘩, 很晚了, 早抖!
Congratulation to the IELTS exam first of all ~ and then feel that U are quite in a good mood ge~ dunno why ~ 言語間的感覺~ good good ~ hope will see u soon in UK ~ haha~
Thanks Hoiki :)
When I typed this entry, I was really relieved after realizing that I didn't need to re-take IELTS again...you know, it's a tiring exam... really thanks God, my writing only scores 6, as I have become unfamiliar with writing essay by hand!...so I wrote so slowly and got not enough time to write a decent essay...:(
Actually writing is the section I am most confident in...but got the poorer result in 2 times! sigh, rely on computer too much! Fortunately the other parts contribute to the overall marks, otherwise I have to take IELTS again if I just get 6.5...:P
Hi, Hoiman,
so long have not been here...at last time...I just have a glance and I have thought u have got a new job as u said u would leave the firm.
oh and when i read your journal, I preliminary just want to say that I am happy to learn u r in good condition....my expectation only! so why do ur mood still flutuate? 周身瘀痕? me too...hehe...I still always go to Mianland to work but quite free at office..I always finish the necessary work when i come back on friday. then on monday, i am always so free.
I will go to Taiwan soon. My dad never take aeroplane, so I bring him to take one. My mum dont want to go. even last time I asked to bring them to Japan.
Anyway, hope ur mood will be better soon! and get a good job!! ^_<
did i misunderstand ur situation?
good luck
PS: recently i am doing a report for exam...so busy and tired but have handed it to my previous boss to help me to read and advise me!
Congratulations!!! IELTS得o左! ^v^
你o黎緊有好多o野要準備~ 有排忙呢, 很欣賞你每件事都做到最好! :) 係呢, 你要搬啦? 自己一丁住? 這幾天會轉冷呀! 小心身體~~~
係呀, 忙死喇...
我會搬去同阿哥一齊住呀, 等我遲d再講多d~ :)
你都係呀, 你成日都病, 小心冷親:)
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