Friday, 3個xm好戰友, 終於last day, 一眨眼便兩個月了。陪他們顛到3時便捱不住了! 周末Fever完滿結束。
下個星期開始, 又少了點人氣......
Tech Manager也resign了, 一個一個地離去 x_x
新Creative Director, 新人新事新作風, 有點兒新鮮感, 我的動作便又慢下來了。
甚麼也走得很快, 我郤仍像呆子般慢幾拍......
不知是少許酒精影響, 或是「Post-M症後群」的緣故, 我的《睡公主》病態又出現。今天1p.m.才起床, 4小時後又睡, 至11p.m. 才起床......一天又白過了。
甚麼也不想做, 甚麼人也不想見。
P.S. 以上eDM仍由同事B所發......整篇字也是歌詞, 果然是Copywriter......
喂, 小心身體呀.
抖足成日都幾好呀~~ 幾爽呀 hoho~~
張 poster 好正! hoho
oh i did not go to "wet" for many yrs la!!
I like to sleep till 1-2pm before too...but now always get up at 8-10am la...wuwuwu..
Today i got a new job in a big company ar...hehe....and salarys is further 25% higher the exisitng la....hehe..can save more money la....
but um..a bit worrying if i can handle the job..cos people doing it need over 6-10tyrs experience but i just have 3-4yrs(with only 4 months experience in this kind of job)....
anyway, just try la....6month probation la...maybe I will be dismiss later la...haha...
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