昨天由朝忙到晚, 晚上還要邊吃邊做; 十多小時沒停過, 至凌晨一時才離開。累得發慌......
夾雜著這星期的壓力與情緒, 終於忍不住流下淚來......
謝謝同事們晚上farewell drink後, 特地回來公司吵鬧一番替我打氣。
雖然當中有被衰仔同事「訓話」, 說我工作態度有問題, 極之不明白為何他這樣說(可能他不明我為何會哭, 又或是受不了女孩子哭吧?哈哈) 感覺很不好, 但我知道他其實是為我好的......算了吧!
可笑的是, 到了11點半, 老細劈完酒回來公司, 拋了一句「咦? 做乜咁多人既? 我返來攞野o架咋......」就走了。一句問候或安慰的說話也沒有!
若不是為了對自己有個交代的話, 真的不知免費替人OT是為了什麼.......
苦, 長了暗瘡和痱滋各一...... x_x
very tough ar....maybe u should really try to find a new job ar...
Oh on Friday, I accidentally find a mobile no. with exactly the same as my Birthday...too good. dont need to pay money and dont need to sign contract. I only use 148$ ro get it..and 100$ is pre-paid( I persuade him not to charge me SIM card fee of 100$). haha..but yesterday, the manager told me that the No. was issued a day ago..so disappointed....he agree to give me a Pretty No. But I cant find one and insist to cancel if no. But then i suspect that actually the no. is not issued yet. I called the no. and no response and ask him if he that i can give my mobile to him and ask this client to call me for discusssion about the no. cos he may just want the Year(the no.) only but what i need is all figure of the no. then, the manager called me again..and told me that the client call him and said he can give me back the no. haha...surely, he is cheating....but anyway, I get back the No. with my polite attitude la...hehehe...WON WON WON......hehe...next week i will have my new mobile no. la..so happy ar!
唔係習唔習慣既問題, 我喊唔係因為多野做, 明嗎? 有好多野係可以唔駛咁ga, 預o左咁又唔等於要認命, 同埋見到d無道理既野係人都會出聲啦!
我會話係自己唔適合呢份工, 因為呢份工需要既係一個能夠忍受到低人工、日日OT、隨時ready開夜、無私人時間、無安排自己工作時既權力、任勞任怨、俾人欺壓都要唔出聲、永遠態度要保持positive、咩時候都要say yes、隻眼開隻眼閉、就算點付出都無人會賞識同欣賞、就算辭職都無人會留你、一d都唔求發揮自己既專業、唔求有工作滿足感、唔重視健康......等等既人!
所以,為求尊重呢份工, 星期一開始,我會唔出聲咁做野, 直至我遞信那一刻。
hope u will get a new job soon la! good luck!
Hi Hoiman,
Long time didn't drop you a line here. CHEER UP BABE!!!! Don't let negative energy fulfil your spiritual mind! Really hope you can get a "no more OT" job in a near future! :)
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