I love here...
Starting to get used to the life here, which is beyond my expectation...I try to love here...love the slience, fresh air, various kinds of dogs emerging everywhere...and love the scenery of Tsing Ma Bridge, the high sense of security, the facilities of club, the large kitchen here, as well as the relationship with my brother and his girlfriend...I love ParkIsland!!! Yes, I have to...!!
By the way, never trust what the adverts say...even it's claimed that only 20 mins is needed to travel from ParkIsland to Central, I have spent exactly 1 hour to go home from Central MTR station tonight... 20 mins' fast walk from Central to the ferry pier, plus 30 mins travelling time on the sea, plus 10 mins' walk from the ferry pier to my block...1 hour!!! Sigh~~~
After finishing 10 college tracks, depression seemed to be farther away from me. I think insomnia will leave me too...keep going!
Thanks for trying to improve by doing something in advance, I really appreciate!
However, I really feel sad that the ferry would only come per hour after 00:00...
遲d幫吱喳妹留d口訊比你啦. =)
嘩, 朋友仔!梗係歡迎你啦, 點會介意呀! blog係俾人睇架啦!
放心, 我會發掘住o向呢度既好處, haha! 只係我發現自己係唔介意屋企豆潤咁細, 只要周圍方便同有充足設施就ok, 至少要有街市/超級廣場嘛....有晚我去樓下間百佳, 嘩, d菜發黃ga, d豆腐出晒水, d麵包聽日就到期, d檸檬又得番一個仲要係林bat bat...好灰ga!
加上o個日我想影印封信都無訂俾我影....更灰! 講講下我又好掛住中央圖書館....
唔得, 要知足d! ^_6
Hahaha,好好笑, 我都有咁諗, 要「出城」買餸! 真係攞命......乾糧問題唔大, 只係我「奄」尖, 有時想要新鮮既野, haha :)
推車仔太大陣象, 搞到自己好似全職家庭主婦, 唔多掂! 都係o個句, 唔好要求咁多:p
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