那不想收到的 終於由郵差叔叔送回給我。數天前特地親身送出的東西, 現在別人無意地由第三者送回我手上......
亦好像反映出我一直以來的角色......我一心一意的付出, 可是對方卻有意無意間不停否定或拒絶我的心意。
簡直就是天時地利人和......時間的脗合、遙遠的距離, 現在還殺出一個「人為疏忽」......真的無話可說, 「奇妙萬分」!......就讓事情自然地順著這樣發展吧...
很辛苦, 睡前不停流淚, 醒來又要受眼淚折磨, 近來感到視力越來越模糊......
還好早有心理準備, 否則我會一手親自把自己的心血催毁。
既然別人不珍惜, 我只有自己珍惜自己。
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Dear, sounds like you are very very down in these days. Pls let youself relax. Don't push too much. Take good care of yourself. Love you!
Here is a quote from an email, "Just let you know someone is standing by you, that's Me." Her words touched me; even thou she, who I really care, is thousand miles away. And I would like to tell her the same thing, "I will be there for You!"
Just wanna let you know, there is someone cares!
Thanks for your care...I think you should know how I feel at this stage...Don't worry, I must try my best to relax and concentrate on my own things. Great, you could view blogger in BJ now?
Night Ghost,
How are U? Haven't heard from u after replying your email, just wonder if you have received it. Hope you are getting along all right in all aspects of life!
My Msn IS
^_^i don't know whether u add me or not!
Hope to chat with u soon!
oh u try to relax la..do something else or go for a trip la..............
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