Dine on the street
這幾年來, 沒約朋友的話, 每天下班都我也是食自己。進到Quarry Bay後, 由於回家需時差不多個半鐘, 餓死了還未回到家, 所以不會回家煮飯; 但我又不會到食店用膳, 因為我覺得獨個兒「坐定定」吃晚飯是一件很浪費時間又可悲的事。再加上下班時很多食店已打祥, 還在營業的亦只有小貓三四隻, 所以我一邊走一邊解決我的晚餐......買個包、買杯雪糕又一餐, 意猶未盡的話便會回家吃雀粟或零食。今晚比較豐富, 在地鐵公然吃餅乾, 然後到優之x品買了一磅自選糖果, 回到家已吃清光...... 我知道很不健康, 但可以點? 9時放工, 肚子餓得很, 下樓後街上只有十數個人影, 一想到要用個半鐘回家便腳仔軟......那孤單的感覺, 真的很難頂呀!
其實我真的很羨慕朋友們下班回家可以有住家飯食......無論做到幾夜, 家裏也會留了飯菜或靚湯......我回到家只有一片黑漆漆...... 那種有人等你回家的感覺, 是怎樣的呢?
這星期那份孤單感十分勁烈, 如今我只見過3個人: 我阿哥、我老細和1個借書的朋友。
看來我比較喜歡大公司, 現在沒有同事, 感覺很不像上班呢......
(吱喳妹的朋友仔: sorry啊, 不過幸好昨天取消了今晚的晚飯, 不然要臨時放你飛機了......)
You are what you eat. Be good to your stomach~
Working and eating late is the life pattern of many Hong Kong workers. The most important of all is whether you regard this as worthwhile.
Being alone and lonely are 2 different things. It is just a matter of how you take it.
There are many people living alone here in Hong Kong and even more in other parts of the world. So?
You are what you eat. Be good to your stomach~
I know it...:P It's a kinda bad way for me to relieve from the unhappiness.
Working and eating late is the life pattern of many Hong Kong workers. The most important of all is whether you regard this as worthwhile.
Definitely NOT...
Being alone and lonely are 2 different things. It is just a matter of how you take it.
Yup, so I said I "feel" lonely! It's totally my personal feeling.
There are many people living alone here in Hong Kong and even more in other parts of the world. So?
So what? :P I am not comparing. I just admire, can I?
Thanks for cheering me up.
haha, 你有時間咪搵我食飯囉, 去青衣城好近啫~~
好呀~ 但最快來到都差不多9點喇wor~
其實我覺得約朋友食晚飯係relaxing time,係一件大事,要一早約定, 又應用上2個鐘:p
不過我好怕放人飛機~ 所以...通常都約一班人,放飛機都只係少我一個, haha~~
hm, I totally understand how it feels to go home and have nothing or no once to expect for.
living alone could be very pathetic indeed. especially when you are in most feeble state but can't be taken care of~
Aw...a sweet hug for you!
treat yourself well ok?!
Thanks! Even I can't be sure who you are...haha
Thanks for your cheering! Definitely you could feel how I feel as you have to take great care of yourself in a foreign city...in fact I have got used to that living pattern but just sometimes couldn't help spliting hairs when I feel frustrated...
Yes...whenever I think I treat myself in a bad way, I would remember that my body is Spirit's house...I have to take care of it.
做咩唔開心傻豬? 你同我傾下計就會開心番...信唔信? :p 但你要話我知先得...
我多數會去太古UNY supermarket買野食
因為佢close 11點!
hehe, 我一返到屋企都乜都唔想做呀~~~ 好鬼夜咁
hello there,
I totally understand your situation as recently (or in a near future from now...) I also need to travel and work far far away from my home...at least 1.5 hours for each ride. well, you're always not alone. :) Well btw, I think I can't meet up with you Quarry Bay guys for lunch from now on, as I'm working in N.T. now... sigh.....
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