Tuesday, January 24, 2006
foul mood
太空虛的關係, 這幾天我又把5個月大的BB吃進肚裏了。
弄到胃痛, 未到新年已吃滯了。
原本和友人相約慶祝的晚飯也告吹了, 很對不起。
不知這樣發洩, 何時會死呢?
討厭年廿八至年初x, 連續5天見同一批人
--> 平時又唔見, 何苦呢?
--> 平均每道菜相隔20-30分鐘, 很多年也試過親友吃到發爛
--> 卻要連續4晚吃相同的酒樓餸菜
去這圍時, 沒有媽媽
去那圍時, 沒有爸爸
去這圍時, 沒有媽媽, 多了其他人
去那圍時, 沒有爸爸, 媽媽也沒有了
8年後的今天, 依然不能適懷, 是我太執著嗎?
但騙不了自己啊, 真的很討厭!
好, 不說飯局, 談談拜年吧!
以往自己一個舟車勞頓上人家拜年時, 在街上看見別人全家穿得靚靚一起拜年去, 很羨慕。幸好今年有阿哥陪我......
說真旳, 一個人拜年實在很無聊, 首先拍門前要先擠出為難的笑容, 想好四字賀詞; 門開, 便要把音調提高一度, 說句「呵呵, 新年快樂呀!!!祝你xxxxx」。入屋坐下最辛苦, 最怕去到又無野做悶到傻, 全屋細路嘰呱鬼叫, 電視只播著賀歲馬/足球; 期間不斷有人叫你食你不喜歡的賀年食物, 不吃又話「做乜唔食呀?減肥呀?」-_-" 悶但又走不得, 惟有吃朱古力過日晨!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
緊記不開心是錯的!不敢再奢望甚麼了, 就讓心慢慢淡然吧......
Friday, January 13, 2006
Chicken Curry
Since my brother's girlfriend had to work overtime, I took over the role of cooking dinner for them at 9:30p.m. tonight. She planned to cook "Taiwanese 3-cup chicken" but I did't have the spice in kitchen, so I turned it into a middle-east dinner - Chicken Curry.
haha...just like doing experiment, the curry was prepared by just following the recipe stated in a comics calle d 「華麗咖哩食桌」, which was lent by Leslie (dear, sorry for keeping for long time)... I didn't follow the recipe loyally by adjusting the types and amount of ingredients according to my free will... and finally it tasted ok. (I hope so...)
No sooner had I prepared the dinner than she arrived. It was almost 11p.m. Why do most people in Hong Kong work so late??
Every time after frying onion, I feel that my hair is covered by a strong smell...:(
Where is my chef's cap?
Haven't written here for 3 days and I miss here so much...
Let me briefly conclude what happened...* 4 slices left!Tried my very best to have bread for meals in these days and finally there are only 4 slices left...In fact I feel fine as I have saved much money... hahaha
* Breakfast ChefI have unintentionally become a "private breakfast chef" of my brother. Recently I got up early every day and prepared breakfast for him before his work...well... somehow feel like being his mother or girlfriend...Anyway i can handle it as cooking breakfast is simple...and I enjoy cooking. But the main point is that I have to make it as diversified as possible in order not to bore his appetite. How challenging it is, isn't it? haha....so I want to remind all of you that never take what your mother does for you every day for granted! Just for dinner, thinking of good dishes, shopping for ingredients, preparing and cooking already consume a whole day!
Here is what i made last 2 days:
* Volunteer in hospitalI attended the "Infection Prevention Talk" held in Elizabeth Hospital on tuesday night. Any volunteers who conduct services in hospital is required to get the certificate according to the Hospital Authority. After the simple talk and quiz, I will be able to participate in voluntary work held in hospital...so great!
* Fruit StopI am gratified to know that a new branch of Fruit Stop is freshly opened at Lee Theatre. It promotes light and healthy dishes cooked with olive oil. Just had a dinner there on wednesday, it made me feel it was not a waste of time by travelling for 2 hours to Causeway Bay (terrible traffic jam!). I especially love its walnut bread, dishes with brown rice / red rice and special drinks, at a relatively reasonable price. What surprised me was having TCBY chocolate ice-cream as the dessert, with cereals on the top (other option is red tea jelly) ! Ginger honey drink then added a full-stop to the nice dinner...black soybean milk tasted good too!
*Body Aromatherapy MassageI enjoyed a FREE body aromatherapy massage + shampoo and blow dry today at
theFirm@Centrium by holding a voucher. Personally dislike the feeling of having oil spread over my body...and I do think that the strength is too soft for me...I rather like a more powerful one...haha.It is to be regretted to fail to have lunch with Lin today...since I couldn't catch the ferry due to late delivery of the Hi-Fi...sorry!! But finally I met her...thanks for your present :)
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
今天整天待在家, 由早上做freelance至零晨12時多, 十多小時, 累死人了! 不過終於完成了full set的layouts, 希望順利啦~~~ 視力越來越差, 好驚呀! 還未有書桌燈, 只是用著Danny早陣子給我的狗狗燈「頂檔」。各位有護眼的桌面燈介紹嗎?
很久沒吃過方包以外的麵包了, 很懷念TIT*F、La Rose、Gourmet、DONQ的麵包!!! 家裏那袋方包過了期, 我放了在冰箱保鮮, 怎知阿哥昨天又買了一袋新的, 哎呀, 食死人啦..... 雞胸肉又過了期, 菜又開始變黃, 於是今日lunch炒了碟雜菜加雞胸, 早午tea也是方包......咸食甜食都出齊!
因為太專心, 到了晚上9時才突然記得未吃晚餐, 於是非常快速地弄了個開胃又好味的香蕉乳酪+雀粟+餅。乳酪和豆腐醬是前幾天homemade的呢! 一大碗可吃一星期, 抵吃抵吃~~~~
阿哥一天才吃一塊...... 還有十多片方包! ......
Saturday, January 07, 2006
I love here...
Starting to get used to the life here, which is beyond my expectation...I try to love here...love the slience, fresh air, various kinds of dogs emerging everywhere...and love the scenery of Tsing Ma Bridge, the high sense of security, the facilities of club, the large kitchen here, as well as the relationship with my brother and his girlfriend...
I love ParkIsland!!! Yes, I have to...!!
By the way, never trust what the adverts say...even it's claimed that only 20 mins is needed to travel from ParkIsland to Central, I have spent exactly 1 hour to go home from Central MTR station tonight... 20 mins' fast walk from Central to the ferry pier, plus 30 mins travelling time on the sea, plus 10 mins' walk from the ferry pier to my block...1 hour!!! Sigh~~~
After finishing 10 college tracks, depression seemed to be farther away from me. I think insomnia will leave me too...keep going!
Thanks for trying to improve by doing something in advance, I really appreciate! However, I really feel sad that the ferry would only come per hour after 00:00...
Thursday, January 05, 2006
A record at this moment
So cold... it drops to around 10 degree celsius again...I don't like winter in Hong Kong...my hands are just freezing in wet and cold wind...
After cooking breakfast for my brother at 8a.m., I went back to my bed and slept till 1pm...wow,I have slept for 10 hours, great!
Just received a very simple email from an old friend whom I haven't met for 3 years, inviting me to have dinner together on 26 Jan. Simple lines but made me feel so warm! Thanks for remembering, my dear friend!
Still being busy with tidying my room...threw away so many notes which I took in University...well...actually I can't understand what I have written anymore, haha...
January, what a critical month for me...but I feel strengthless and lonely...please grant me power and warmth, my Lord...
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
10天沒有寫blog了, 發生了很多事情......
24/12 南丫島平安夜King Kong@New York‧南丫島. 拍照‧Pizza Milano‧ 紅酒‧沒咭沒包裝、黏了蜜糖水的禮物‧白色Baby-G小記: 很難忘, 因為整天都很肚餓, 甚至book了位也餓得要提早去排隊等位, haha...... 最surprised的要算是那完全沒有包裝過的禮物, 而且一隻字也沒有......咁大個女第一次收完全沒有粉飾的聖誔禮物! 但我喜歡你的真......謝謝。
25/12 Happy Birthday to Jesus!崇拜@尖浸‧Todai‧痴餐@灣仔‧拍照@Time Square小記: 整個崇拜都在站立, 很累! 男高音和女高音好利害, 唱messiah好像聽CD! 50人浸禮, 第一次見!
26/12 執執執...整天都在執行李‧curry@雙辣屋小記: 最怕麻煩, 不時發脾氣, 謝謝包容......
27/12 「大坑妹」變「馬灣妹」阿哥4個friends幫忙搬家‧離別lunch@大坑冰室‧30箱/紅白藍搬進馬灣‧抵家後unpack共約50箱東西‧飛奔到尖咀小肥羊與SJ2000相聚‧芒果蜜柑味body lotion by Wang‧海傍燈飾留影‧無花果燉黃耳@杏花樓‧在葵芳寒風中等了半小時車小記: 無可否認, 紅白藍真是很好的本土設計!
感到馬灣很荒涼...... 沒有shopping mall, 沒有街市, 只有百佳超級市場 (註:不是超級廣場!); 沒有新鮮出爐的麵包, 只有東海堂; 沒有圖書館, 只有會所; 所有私家車不能進入, 只有葵芳和青衣shuttle buses + 中環和荃灣小輪。是夜吃完糖水後, 由尖咀回家竟花了1.5小時, 很遠......
28/12 失眠夜unpack‧收拾廚房‧1st dinner@馬灣Coffee Plus‧5時才睡小記: 適應中, 島上的人寮寮可數, 感覺好像在渡假......
29/12 充實的香港一天遊眼腫‧10時起床煮餐蛋麵給阿哥‧1km青衣行山徑‧Flat White@Mc Cafe‧換衫‧李克勤+黃蒙拉‧呆等半小時馬灣船‧日落中的青馬橋‧Dine@Cafe Costa‧童話王子@香港大會堂‧天星小輪‧草莓沙冰@仙跡岩‧很合用的新居禮物Thx, my dear friend!
30/12 拜拜Roy Gfarewell RoyG@銅鑼灣Greenbox‧執大坑屋‧痴餐@灣仔‧做freelance‧討厭的M痛小記: 又miss了班船, 用了差不多兩小時才到逹銅鑼灣, 救命呀!
31/12 除夕夜早上9時許裝寬頻‧freelance‧討厭的M痛‧午睡後繼續unpack‧9人pizza+壽司除夕到會‧立痴痴棉花糖‧倒數@珀麗灣煙火嘉年華‧阿哥friends打牌好嘈‧睡不著至4時
小記: 大獲, 阿哥說他的friends日後會時常上來打牌......看來我戒掉了的戴耳塞習慣又要重拾了!
1/1 新年新開始新年崇拜@沙宣‧分享lunch@嚼江南‧stage3禮物‧星星耳環@葵芳cherubs‧花茶gelato@Relaxing Tea House小記: 謝謝兩位好友陪我過新年。不知是否太久沒購物的關係, 我居然可以在一間100尺的小商舖逗留超過兩小時! 由於不是太好意思, 最後也光顧了百多元......
2/1 大坑交吉日大坑屋最後清拆大行動‧順利交吉‧剪髮@天台‧14人聚@旺角泉章居小記: 交吉時, 業主說間屋很乾淨, 問我是否很少在這裏睡.....當然啦, 哪有租戶好得會在交屋時還幫你清理和掃地呢......當然還要謝謝阿旗和阿敏幫我拆得一乾二淨啦! 唉, 終於放下心頭大石了......
3/1 失落日第一日整天逗留在馬灣, 繼續執房, 但沒mood......不知是否過去兩個星期太過忙碌和充實, 今天突然感到很失落, 吃零食吃到胃痛......
心情很矛盾, 很想完成夢想, 很想証明自己的能力, 但另一方面又發覺自己越來越害怕孤單、越來越倚賴......很難想像如果真的到英國, 我將會如何......
雖然還未開始收到同輩朋友的紅色炸燀, 但近來無意間接觸和談論多了結婚和將來的事, 感覺自己越來越老了......自己呢, 對婚姻越來越沒期望和信心......仍然都是很想40歲便死......haha
啋! 新年溜溜......