Friday, November 25, 2005
Thanks God
Juicy persimmon, just 6 for $10!
Just to indulge myself in a pool of sweet scent, while being nice to my pocket.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks God for blowing away my sorrow and anger in my prayer, and teach me how to be a good surrender and close friend of Him.May God accompany me in the coming 2 days...---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Upset by similar case today again...I definitely believe that I could only save money by "not to spend" but not "to earn"...Just feel fed up with feeling lonely, it seems no one could understand...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You are right, absolutely. So what?
I just need someone who are willing to SHARE my thoughts and feeling...but not to give me a lesson!
No mood, but feel tense...Who can help me?
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Should I really have to surrender myself to the
FATE that I couldn't be a
Design Freelancer??
Again, I don't believe in fate, but every experience told me that I have no fate of being a freelancer!
As what I have mentioned in my blog a few months ago, I have 3 freelances in hand. However,
2 are
terminated so far!!! These are the two I have devoted much time and expectation on...
And now, for the one left, the timeline is not followed and the submission date seems to be
endless! The client is still struggling on trivial things and just ask me to revise, revise and revise! I just spent my precious studying time on fulfilling unreasonable desire!
Still got
ZERO dollar in these several months.... I am somewhat scared out of doing any freelance....should I give up?
I begin to worry about my living again...-_-
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
好鬼悶呀, 對住D英文真係想叫救命~~~粒粒字都釋放著催眠既巨大力量:一時帶你去遊太空, 一時令你眼皮放鬆!
其實又好擔心, 臨考前幾日先開始溫, 都咪話唔慌失失!
癲完, 繼續.......
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Newly-pampered (old) love
Strawberry ShortcakeOh dear! Guess what I've discovered today? I was definitely gratified by my finding which allowed me to re-experience the sweet memories of my childhood!
In this afternoon, I pampered myself by surfing the Internet without purposes, and surprisingly found the little character which was printed on the wallpaper of my bedroom in Tsing Lung Tau (青龍頭)!
At first, I clicked on the text link "Strawberry Shortcake"(SS) and supposed to have sort of recipes...but I was wrong! A familiar cartoon character appeared and recalled my memory! I could recognized SS's friends such as
Blueberry Muffin,
Huckleberry Pie and
Apple Dumpling!
The wallpaper was chosen by my mother specially for me when we moved to Tsing Lung Tau (I was just primary 2). She knew that I was fond of strawberries and the wallpaper really appealed to me enourmously! The fascinating scenery of strawberry house, strawberry ice-cream hill and strawberry farmland made me feel as if I were inside the wallpaper...
I didn't know that it's a famous cartoon character in US all along until today...After studying its history, I realize that a modern-look series of SS were relaunched in 2002...(click the reference link below) but I love the
vintage version more! That is more girlish and cute, isn't it?
I am really in love with all these fruit dessert-theme vintage characters! Winnie the Pooh's status is being threatened, haha...!
My full-of-strawberries wallpaper:Reference:>
SS's friends>
New official site of SS>
All about Strawberry Shortcake>
What is Shortcake?
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Goodbye XM
Finally I have left...lightly...
It's time for moving forward!
The following is the last email I sent to my XM colleagues...with whold-hearted blessing.
Dear all,
Memories are always sweet, so do my every day working in XM since Feb 2004.
I treat everyone of you as my dear friends in my life, as all of you'vebeen helping me to grow from time to time.In XM, smiles and tears allow me to discover the indispensable elements ofmy life, especially my love, every sincere friendship, personal ambitionsand necessary skills of interpersonal communication. Thanks x 100000000000for giving me such an invaluable chance to know all of you and for being patient with me when I didn't perform well at work (I hope it's just awrong assumption...)! Anyway, I would never forget every moments we had inXM!
The "XM on the Grass" Cake I made represents Sweets of success, Peace and Hope. I really wish every one of you would treasure your own sweet memoriesin XM, and have peaceful mind in dealing with every challenges!
Do feel free to contact me to chat, to kill time, to ask for help,whatever.
N.B. "XM on the Grass" = Green Tea Red Bean Cheesecake (view slice photo here)
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
今次考IELTS, 怎知中途份卷變了中文! 今次我又可以與鄰座的考生交談, 我大聲問她:「嘩, 做乜做做下變中文o架??」, 她說: 「IELTS有很多個modes, 這個是『英─中─英』呢。」 我翻到後, 又真的啊, 後面又變回英文題! 我大叫: 「死啦, 我報錯考試呀!」 但已身在試場, 唯有繼續考下去。最無厘頭的是, 那篇listening文章居然是古巨基的《愛與夢飛行》......題目是fill in the blanks! 這是我最愛的一首歌, 但記得當時首歌唱得很難聽, 令我很難聽得清楚, 下不了筆! 苦惱間就醒了......
近來又有很多轉 / 搭錯車的經歷。搭地鐵, 一次搭了反方向的車, 一次忘記轉車又要回頭, 一次去錯月台, 一次越了站! 今天, 拿著很大袋的東西, 於是在公司樓下乘小巴回家, 怎知乘錯車, 25分鐘後又回到原處.....很無聊呀!!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
今日又覆診, 醫師問我是否做design。吓? 你點知o架? 佢居然話我個樣似......什麼artistic...有o個種氣質云云......乜有樣睇? 我今日衣著平凡毫無style 可言啊! 況且, 我明天起就不是全職designer了.....那種氣質會消退嗎? :P
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------明天last day了, 希望完成手頭工作就真的完了吧!! 請給我一些時間影影相, 燒燒碟, 執執野啊......
Sunday, November 13, 2005
只睡了4小時......領匯IPO site 今天sigh off , 今日10時正便回到公司stand-by修改/等客confirm一直坐到4時才叫杏花樓外賣, 餓死了, 特地叫了個很滋陰的紅棗燉雪蛤補一補!奇怪的是, 這麼大的project沒人跟, 今天坐在office裏的小白和我, 是兩個己經resigned又將要離開的小卒仔......小白告訴我, 昨天老細回來竟然說句: 「咦? 你仲乜o向度既?」老細, 公司發生什麼事你也不知道的嗎?...... 話晒領匯係超級大客仔啊......哀哉......-----------------------------------------------------------
一時激動得胃抽筋, 一時哭得眼也腫, 一時卻又笑逐顏開...
但總算有個好結尾, 謝謝
現在, 我只知道我再不睡的話就快死了
不經不覺, 那個勇敢的決定已是一個月前的事了!
一直都沒有交代過發生什麼事, 很不像我的風格呢......
又或是自己覺得這不是一件光采的事, 不願多提
又或是太過失望, 覺得一切都太輕描淡寫......
想不到, 輪到我走了, 一切也像一點影響也沒有似的......
在這裏, 有著1年9個月的感情
看著它生命的起伏、癲峰及低潮的迷失, 以及變幻莫測的面孔......
畢竟, 它只是一副千瘡百孔的軀殼。
不捨不棄, 那又如何?
當然, 機器沒了其中一部份是動不了的
但不要忘了, 在機器眼中, 我只是一顆極度平凡的螺絲!
提出離開, 一句說話也沒有, 隔兩天便在網上看到尋找新螺絲的廣告, 隔了一個多星期才看到一句" Byebye Tiffany"......
如果有人有興趣做螺絲的話, 請click下面的link...雖然廣告不新了, 但仍未找到新螺絲)
不打緊不打緊, 離開就是放開, 也是為了敝開更寬闊的前路
加油, 我的2006年。要專心!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
久違了的青馬大橋, 很久不見了...
我們會由日日見, 變成可能一星期才見一次, 到最後起碼半年才見一次。
其實我只是想要一個令我感到被重視的伴侣, 很困難嗎?
有時我也, 很想被愛、被氹, 被寵、被錫......
對不起自己, 只懂用食物填補空虛, 這兩天又弄到胃痛了。
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
insomnia x_x
Slept late, awoke from a weird dream then couldn't fall asleep again...
After having slept for just 4 hours, my brain can't operate efficiently...
Study hard!!!
Stress is inevitable...
Nov and Dec, hope I could overcome...
6 days left.
No feeling at all...
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Art's Day
答應了Art in Hospital幫手畫壁畫, 今日一早飛奔到灣仔大王東街, 匆匆吃個麵包, 與其餘約6個義工為一班小朋友於上星期畫的壁畫「補妝」。畫了2小時, 弄到整雙手都是油漆, 還弄到頭暈眼花......(因為長時間蹲下畫), 血壓低真麻煩......
雖然只是執手尾, 但這是我第一次畫壁畫呢! 希望有第二次吧!
到了1時, 趕忙到下一場, 又匆匆吃個麵包, 便上水彩班去。數年沒正式畫過水彩畫了! 第一堂畫了樽花......畫得不是很好, 但很好玩!晚上, 又是動剪刀時間, 不知是第x次充當你的髮型師了, 滿意嗎?今天一連三項creative activities, haha......
公司星期五搞秋季半日outing, 3時bowling@奧運, 8時食海鮮@西貢。
全公司有八十多個人, 但只有1/4人去碌bowling, 因3/4要趕projects走唔甩。
原本打算不出席, 但知道沒太多機會, 便去吧!
未曾試過在香港玩bowling (第一次是在北京), 都ok好玩~
晚飯時間, 有極多新面孔, 8x個人中有五份四是我不認識的! 由於太多人走了, 好像有幾十人都是新人呢。
整晚只是看著他們互劈酒, 很悶, 海鮮又沒啥特別, 有點後悔去了......
Friday, November 04, 2005
10:00-11:45 ------- 為Nokia6111 的media banner想ideas及畫sketch11:45-13:20 ------- internal branstorm meeting (為大家都喜愛我的「號召力」idea而有點開心)13:35-14:15 ------- 飛奔去覆診, 中醫說我血氣虛, 要開始執補藥給我, 並吩咐我一星期食一次糖水! (有藉口大啖食甜品!)14:15-14:35 ------- 全日最放鬆時間: 與Bob、Yonnie及k生到超市為公司pantry入零食14:50-15:00 ------ 叮麵做lunch15:00-22:45 ------ 沒停過地機械式地工作......改字改圖改layout......etc。到了10時, 全層樓只剩下我和Wendy......可佈!22:50 ------------- send email給CD後便離開公司, 以免夜長夢多!23:00 -------------dinner time, 到麥記吃沙律23:45 -------------回家途中到7仔叮奶做宵夜00:00-------------回到家距離那天只剩11天, 為何還要搾乾我的血呢...... -_-請給我一個美好的回憶......明天又要一早回去收CD的comments......還是睡覺最實際!
星期三晚, 約了3個已12年沒見的小學同學吃飯。
雖然大家也變了很多(不過依然是那個餅印), 但那份感覺仍很親切, 整頓飯笑聲不絶, 有段時間更令我笑出淚來!
UCC ->阿貓地攤, 至零晨12時才回家。
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Bad Luck
I don't believe in luck, but I really wanna say I am so "hut chai" recently... It seems that everything doesn't go smooth...
I strongly feel that my energy is wasted by sitting in the office from day to night......being frustrated by both machine-like production and client's feedbacks, my vitality dropped to zero...... how come I am still being stuck in the
initial stage of the Zuelxxx's website layouts for
over one month?
Let me describe more...First, I designed layout A, the client liked it but asked for one more alternative. So I fine-toned layouts A and proposed layout B for their choices. The managing director loved layout A and asked me to further develop it by following his additional requests... then I fine-toned the design and produce 2 more pages by referring to the look and feel, that's layout C. However, another guy of Zuelxxx (a less powerful staff) said he did't like the layouts C and asked me to re-design, that means a layout D! ..........huh......What if his boss asks me to go back to develop the layout C after looking at layout D? I'm afraid I have to do layout E, F,G......Just like HSBX, all our clients are political animals who love to hinder our logistics of creative processes. And obviously they don't know what they want! That's the main reason why I am satisfied by none of my works as the outcome is not contributed by my free will.
Just hoping to get a fresh air from this issue, I decided to go jogging in the racecourse, and I even refuse Roy's invitation to
the concert of Eason as he's got 2 free tickets......but when I arrived at the entrance I found that it was locked! Strong lights shined on my face and I knew that there must be race holding in the come!!! Today is tuesday, shouldn't it be held on wednesday or saturday??? Bad luck! It's been 3 weeks since i went jogging at here...why do I encounter this once I decide to come here? Similarily, I got the cheese when I found that Victoria's swimming pool was closed for Water Sportsday in one early morning one month ago.....
It's even such difficult to get refreshed...why?
Just got a message from Roy and he told me the concert was "
great, great, great!"......uh-huh...
-_- have to face such messy project tomorrow again......
still have 3 more weeks to go...